Why Choose UsenetNow?
Why Do You Need UsenetNow?

Huge Retention
Industry leading retention and continuously increasing day by day! We dare you to find another Usenet provider offering the same stats!
What's Retention?
More Files
More Hard Drives
Older File Available
Dedicated Resources
Dedicated Servers
We have FOUR reliable Usenet systems strategically located in the USA, Europe & Australia. All systems are connected to multi-gigabit backbones, which means you get a blazing fast Usenet experience no matter where you are in the world! No other service provides the server options that we do.
What Does This Mean?
Faster Access
Highly Accessible
More Data
Globally Available
Security is our greatest concern, and we give our customers the ability to use FREE SSL encryption. With these features, those of us at UsenetNow feel as though we can deliver one of the best Usenet experiences out there.
What Security?
Free SSL Encryption
Secure Accounts
No Tracking
Customer Support
We offer a flexible pricing model to fit your needs and budget!
What is the price?
$3.99 per week
$7.99 per month
$19.99 per quarter